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HD WebTV/Web Casting


Investment Opportunities/Management


Businesss to Business


Events/Trade Shows/Exhibits - Organisation d'Évènements/ Foires Commerciales/ Expositions


Business Networking Events - Conférences de presse/ Évènements d'Affaires


Gestions d'artistes/ Athlètes / Commandites


Online Marketing​/Digital Signs - Marketing en ligne/ Panneaux Digitals


Sales Management/ Gestion des ventes


Research & Development / Recherches et Développements


​Public Relations​/ Relations Publiques


Public Speaking/Coaching - 


SEO / Google Certified​ - Optimisation des Engins de Recherches - Certifié Google


IT Services/ Web site Management/Design - Soutien Informatiques/Réseautiques - Gestion de sites Internet.


Communications​​​​​/ Communications


Social Networking/ Création & Gestion Réseaux Sociaux


Human Resources​​​​​/ Ressources Humaines


Media​​​​​​​​ Management/ Gestion des relations Médias


Aligning people with business strategy; delivering profit through people and purpose


Sponsorship / Gestion de Commandite

Steve Léveillé

Trusted name, trusted brands, trusted relationships= Trusted Success.

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